Local History Groups

Time Travel Guides Resources for local and family history

How Local History Groups Can Help

Time Travel Guides: Resources for Local and Family History » Local History Groups

Local History Groups bring together people who are interested in the history of a particular place, which could be a village, town, county, or another area. Some groups combine interests in archaeology with historical research. Many of these local societies are members of the British Association for Local History and are listed on their website.

Joining a Local History Group

If you’re interested in the history of a particular area then you may want to join the local history group that covers that location. You could also join the local history society in your own area, even if this isn’t the focus of your research, as you could get useful research tips and learn some interesting local history. You will need to pay a membership fee if you want to access all the resources that the society provides.

Resources from Local History Groups

Local history groups can provide various resources to help with your research as well as connecting you with people who have similar interests.

  • Newsletters and journals sharing updates on the group’s activities and articles about members’ research. You may be able to contribute your own articles.
  • Transcriptions of historical documents or other publications relating to the area. You may be able to access these online or to buy them as books, downloads, or in other formats.
  • Online forums where you can ask for advice on your research.
  • Events such as talks and visits to historical sites in the area.
  • Research libraries where you can consult historical sources, books, and other material collected by the society.